
Frequently Asked Questions

Below are common questions and answers about the Del Rio Police Department recruiting process. If you have any further questions please contact us at 830-774-8596 or at drpdrecruiting@cityofdelrio.com

Confirm that you meet all of DRPD’s Requirements, then click on Process in the menu bar at the top of the page.

Confirm that you meet all of DRPD’s Requirements, then click on Process in the menu bar at the top of the page.

No, DRPD’s application process remains open but we hire as positions become available so applying as soon as possible is highly recommended.

It depends how many applicants are in the process ahead of you and the start date of the next academy class. Once you have passed all steps of the application process, you will be placed in the next available academy class.

Yes, if you are not certified through TCOLE and are interested in attending the police academy, we administer a Civil Service Exam multiple times throughout the year. These exam dates may vary. Details of the exam dates, including study sessions, will be posted here when the dates for the exam are announced. If you want to be personally notified when the next Civil Service Exam will be administered, contact our Human Resources Department at 830-774-8617.

No, you will be placed in the next available academy class.

The number of academy classes each year is set by the Del Rio Police Academy. The amount of classes per year and number of people in each class is dependent on the amount of vacancies that are available.

Yes, you will be required to travel to Del Rio, Texas to complete the application process. Please keep in mind you would still have to obtain certification through the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE). 

No, the only educational requirement is to have a High School Diploma or GED. However, if you do have an Associate’s or Bachelor’s Degree, you are eligible for Education Pay for either degree held. 

You will not have to take the Civil Service Test and would be eligible to be hired under our Modified Hiring Process.

You will not be able to continue in the application process. 

Drug usage is not an automatic disqualifier. Not being honest about drug usage is an automatic disqualifier. Drug usage will be reviewed as part of the application process.

Tattoos are allowed, however they must be covered if they have any of the following:

Derogatory, foul, obscene language/gestures or any logos that are provocative, obscene or sexual in nature. Also, anything above the collared neck area or wrist (extended to hand area) must be covered. Body piercings such as ear, nose, tongue, eye or other visible body parts are not allowed while in uniform,  on official duty while in civilian attire, or wearing civilian attire while on DRPD Property. 

All sections of the Personal History Statement should be completed. If, after a thorough search you are truly unable to locate information, you will be asked to provide a statement during your initial interview. That statement will be reviewed as part of the application process.
There may be an issue with your computer or software. We recommend trying a different computer or updating your software. Please note, we will allow a legible hand Personal History Statement if necessary.
No, however, you must have a current driver’s license and must have a valid Texas driver’s license prior to the start of the academy.
Yes, cadets are paid bi-weekly while in the academy.

Off Duty Employment is prohibited while in the academy. 

No, however you must live within a 60 minute response time of Del Rio. 

Yes, see the Benefits page for educational pays.

Yes, this is offered through the City of Del Rio. Please see the Benefits section for further information.

In order to be eligible for promotion, you have to be an officer with the Del Rio Police Department for a minimum of 2 years and pass a promotional exam. If you pass, you will be placed on a list that is in order from the highest grade to the lowest grade. These positions will be filled as they become available.

Del Rio is considered an oasis in a desert area! Del Rio is home to Lake Amistad, which provides some of the best fishing and recreational fun! San Felipe Creek also runs through the heart of Del Rio to provide you with swimming, picnicking, and kayaking with your family. If you are looking for a family friendly community, Del Rio is the place to be!